Hola Español의 두 번째 이야기입니다! 매주 화요일에 업데이트 되는 거 아시죠? 오늘 이야기의 주된 내용은 "~를 할 수 있다"라고 말하는 표현들에 관해서였지만, 다른 재미있는 표현들도 정말 많이 배웠습니다! 질문(preguntas)와 코멘트(comentarios), 언제나 환영입니다~!
** Nota de la grabación
poder + 동사원형 / puedo hablar español / puedo cantar / puedo bailar / tampoco / tambien
Hi It's exciting for me to be looked as a first person who listened to this. I a little bit couldn't understand what you guys are talking about but it was so interesting and helpful. Thank you!
Since I don't know about japanese or french at all, It, of course,hard for me to understand what clarita or hyunwoo's talking about. But Multi-language radio is a good thing.(So international haha ^^). So that phenomenon makes me want to study so many languages like hyunwoo or clarita but I have a big exam in approximately 15 days. Anyway, Keep working for people like me!!
jwunwoo, yeah, I know it's not easy to learn many at the same time, but just as you said yourself, it's a lot of fun, right? so we'll keep it up to make it fun to study spanish with us~!
댓글 11개:
이번 이야기도 굉장히 정신없었지만 ^^ 재미있게 공부했습니다! 끌라리따 Gracias!! Tu eres una buena profesora!!
그리고 이번 이야기에서부터 점점 스페인어로 뭔가 소리를 내어서 말한다는 것에 자신이 생기기 시작했어요!
hola todos!
aqui les tengo algo que decir...;
★ estar loco앞에는 관사가 안들어가지만 ser + loco하려면 soy un loco, eres una loca... 이렇게 관사를 넣어줘야해요^-^ (녹음하다보면 앞으로도 실수가 많이 나올겁니다-_-;;;)
★ 말 할때보면 언어들 앞에는 관사가 들어갈때도 있고~ 안들어갈 때도 있고~ 그렇습니다.
★ nervioso & maravilloso 헷갈리지마세요!! ㅎㅎㅎ
bueno, espero que hayan disfrutado de la grabacion! GRACIAS!
Hi It's exciting for me to be looked as a first person who listened to this. I a little bit couldn't understand what you guys are talking about but it was so interesting and helpful. Thank you!
jwunwoo, thank you for listening! I hope you will enjoy the future episodes as well!! :D
현우님 잘 지내시나요~
현우님 블로그 RSS 구독을 하려고하는데
추가가 안되네요 ㅠ_ㅠ)/
구글에서 RSS를 등록하는 방법을 열심히 찾아 보겠습니다!!!
그리고 인트로의 저 일본어는!!
녹음 10초전에 현우짱께서 써주신...
끌라리따의 일본어 인트로 : "스페인고노 벵쿄- 잇쇼켄메- 시마시따까?" 스페인어 공부 열심히 하셨어요? :D
Since I don't know about japanese or french at all, It, of course,hard for me to understand what clarita or hyunwoo's talking about. But Multi-language radio is a good thing.(So international haha ^^). So that phenomenon makes me want to study so many languages like hyunwoo or clarita but I have a big exam in approximately 15 days. Anyway, Keep working for people like me!!
jwunwoo, yeah, I know it's not easy to learn many at the same time, but just as you said yourself, it's a lot of fun, right? so we'll keep it up to make it fun to study spanish with us~!
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